Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Final Storyboard

This is my final storyboard for my e4 ident idea. It is a Jack in the box in (the e4) purple, the handle starts to turn as the music starts, the box opens and an e4 logo pops out of it, then bounces around on the spring. The final shot is a close up of the logo. I felt that this has been my most successful idea in my whole e4 project, therefore I developed it from the original sketch.

Monday, 9 May 2011

Sketches and Storyboards


I have chosen the sound 'Drone Beat 5' from the downloads on the e4 website. It relates well to my storyboard of my idea. It will work well with the Jack in the box idea.


These are two test sketches for an idea. I will create a hand drawn storyboard in my sketchbook once I have finalised my ideas. I think these sketches have been successful, so I will continue with drawing out ideas.

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Current/Past Idents

I feel that the e4 stings here are very successful in conveying the brand's identity. The simpler ideas seem to work better within the timeframe given for the idents. With this in mind, I will continue with a simple idea for my storyboard and will create this using oil pastels and pencil. I will use the purple colouring within the advert as this is part of the identity. In particular, I feel that the ESting with the sheep jumping over the fence is successful. This is because it is a very simple idea and using sheep jumping over a fence makes it relate to every day life, with a twist as an e4 logo jumps over the fence. To me, this signals that the e4 channel and brand are a part of every day life and fit in perfectly.

Monday, 25 April 2011

Target Audience

The target audience for the e4 channel is ages 16-34. The eSting I storyboard is going to reflect this and I have looked at the channel identity: very unique and quirky idents have been shown on the channel, so this will reflect in my storyboard.


I am thinking of doing an ident with a teenager etching an e4 logo into a tree. It would start with a view of the tree and surroundings, then pan around to be facing the other side of the tree, where the teenager is stood with his back to the camera. The view then goes to the side of the tree, where the teenager can be seen scratching something into the bark of the tree. He then steps away from the tree and an e4 logo is etched into the bark.

I would need to think of other things happening in the background and possibly a twist. It could be that the boy's girlfriend is behind him expecting to see her name on the tree, then looks shocked at the e4 logo and storms off.

Saturday, 23 April 2011

Initial Ideas

I have looked at existing idents and the target audience for e4. All of the idents that I find to be the most successful have an element of humour in them and are fairly simple ideas. I am going to think of a simple idea and develop it into a drawn story board.

Friday, 22 April 2011

Brief from e4.com

E Stings 2011 – in association with Creative Review
Guess what peoples, we’re doing that there E STINGS competition again – and as ever we want you to chuck us your funnest, funniest, weirdyest, mischievous-est, cool-est, dumbest, cleverest, randomest, most nonsensical-est telly stuff that you got.
We want you to take our logo and create an original brand sting that smacks of E4 attitude and can be played out on our E4 telly-channel – and we’re even giving out prizes for our favourites.
It can be live action, it can be animated, it can be 2D, 3D, 4D. It can be hi-fi, lo-fi, big-budget or no-budget. Simply download the E4 logo and a soundbed your choice and get going. The only rules we are cruelly forcing upon you are thusly –
  1. (a) We can't show anything explicit or violent in the daytime, but we might be able to after the watershed as long as it’s broadcastable. So - within reason - your idea can be quite naughty / irreverent / provocative etc. Use your common sense though, anything too grim or sexually explicit won't get shown at all.
  2. (b) It HAS to be EXACTLY 10 seconds long. If it’s not 10 seconds long IT WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED BY THE JUDGES. Sorry, but we’re feeling a bit strict this year. To make things easier we’re providing you with a choice of 10 second audio beds which you are welcome to use in your E Sting (but feel free to use something of your own if you prefer!)
  3. (c) It HAS to have the E4 logo in it... But you probably knew that. (Preferably integrated into the idea rather than simply slapped on top of your piece at the end).

Download all the soundbeds and the E4 logo here
Just download the E4 logo